Saturday, 8 October 2016

Supplement to a comment

Recently I read some articles of a terrific guy (N6QW). Among many other circuits that I have found on his blog is a mic amplifier using PNP (and not NPN) transistor. Firstly I simulated it by using a NPN transistor and after that by using the exact transistor of the original schematic. The related posts are and I posted a comment in the article of the 2nd link and here I post some screenshots related to my comment.

I made a rearrangement of R1, R6+C5 and C4. Although there is no difference in the operation of the circuit, for perception and uniformity purposes perhaps it would be better if in the drawing the R1, R6+C5 and C4 were directly in parallel. As far as audio frequencies is concerned there is no difference (voltage source V1 acts as a short circuit at audio frequencies).

N6QW's schematic with a rearrangement of R1, R6+C5 and C4
Using NPN transistor
Both circuits, parameterization of Rser
Addition of Rload
Effect of Rload on the output level and on the frequency response
73 de SV1GAP