Sunday, 26 March 2017

Comparison of 2 RS-232 programming circuits

Update 2017_3_28


2017_3_28 Start of update
The comparison concerns 2 circuits for connecting a transceiver to a RS-232 port. Recently someone reported a problem when his transceiver (Yaesu VX-7) was sending data to the RS-232 using the circuit below:
I searched for similar circuits and I noticed that in all the other circuits that I found, a different topology with a PNP transistor (instead of a NPN one) was used to connect the transceiver to the RxD (pin 2) port. Looking at the above circuit I suspected that it provides insufficient voltage and insufficient output resistance when connected to a load (RxD port). "Receiver Input 3 kΩ to 7 kΩ" "Receiver Input Resistance (Ohms) 3k to 7k, 4k min."
So I added R_Load to the outputs. As it is obvious from the following images, the effect of the R_Load on the circuit on the left (Label Net: Out_NPN) is very high. I tried collector resistors of lower value than the original 4.7kΩ and I chose a 1.5kΩ resistor. With the 1.5kΩ resistor, even in the worst-case scenario of the 3kΩ receiver input resistance, a voltage above 3V occurs in RxD port during logic level 1.
Addition of R_Load

Out_NPN, collector resistor=4.7kΩ, parameterisation of R_Load
The PNP version doesn't show any sensitivity to the R_Load.
Out_PNP, parameterisation of R_Load

Collector resistor=1.5kΩ

Out_NPN, collector resistor=1.5kΩ, parameterisation of R_Load
2017_3_28 End of update

73 de SV1GAP